Friday 1 August 2008

I'm leaving tommorow...(((

I miss my family, my friends but I don't want to miss people, who will stay here...

I liked Lines, Queenswood, Great Britain but most of all I liked people. This 4 weeks were really wonderfull. Thank everyone!!! I'd like to come back...

I hope I'll keep in touch... See you later, alligator. ))))))

Thursday 31 July 2008

Yesterday we visited the British museum. It was amazing. One of things I really liked was The Samurai armour and helmet. I' m interested in Japanese culture, because I live near this country. This armour is collection of different things made between 1500 and 1800. The metal plates are tied with silk. It protects from arrows. In 1500s people from Portugal brought guns to Japan and Japanese had to add bullet-proof breastplates. Masks on helmets instill fear.

I think Japan isn't usual country. They lived on their island alone. It was closed for long time for any foreigners. Japanese don't think that death is the end of life, they think about it as about part of life, another step. Samurai had only one the most important thing in his life- his sword. If he lose it, he will commit suicide.
So for me it was very interesting and useful to visit Japanese room in British museum. )))

Monday 28 July 2008

End of third week

This weekend was very sad, because 115 people left. I miss them very much... It so quiet here without them.

In Saturday we were in Bath. I liked it , but we spent 5 hours in a bus!We vere VERY tired.
Bath is amazing town, unfortunately we hadn't enough time to see all the beautiful churches and
houses. We had an hour and a half for shopping. It wasn't useless, because I bought some books and lovely present for my little sister.
On Saturday we also had a disco. There were only a few dancing people, I was one of them. )) In spite of many people had left, I enjoyed disco.
I don't think that this last week will be boring, because our friends left. If you can't change situation, you have to change attitude.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Salvador Dali

1. Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech
2. Date of birth May 11, 1904
3. Date of death January 23, 1989
4. Salvador Dalí was born in Figueras, Catalonia. He was both artistic from an early age. He later claimed that the death of his older brother, also called Salvador, nine months before he was born, contributed to his intense desire for attention and bizarre behaviour.
Dalí began studying at the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid in 1921, but was expelled 3 years later for rebellious behaviour. This included refusing to take an examination because he felt that the teachers were not qualified to judge his work. However, his talent had already earned him a successful one-man show at the Galeria Dalmau in Barcelona.Dalí experimented with various styles but settled on Surrealism. He made the first Surrealist film, Un Chien Andalou, in 1929. During the next few years, Dalí painted some of his most famous pictures. The Persistence of Memory, from 1931, is on display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. His works were filled with bizarre double images and he used a detailed, realistic technique to create imaginative scenes that he called his ‘hand-painted dream photographs’. In 1936, he attended the International Surrealist Exhibition in London and gave a lecture dressed in a diver's suit. This was just one of his publicity stunts. In 1939, Dalí quarrelled with the founding father of Surrealism, Breton, and was officially expelled from the movement. However, he had already begun to produce more naturalistic pieces due to the Renaissance art that he saw on his numerous visits to Italy. He left Europe when war broke out, and lived in America until 1948. During this time he produced numerous paintings, and the first of his colourful autobiographies, The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí. He also became involved in design work, including a dream sequence for Alfred Hitchcock’s 1945 film, Spellbound. Dalí’s later paintings included strongly sexual pieces featuring his wife, and also religious works. Of these, the Christ of St John of the Cross is on display in the St Mungo Museum, Glasgow. It was bought by Glasgow City Art Gallery in 1952, and was highly controversial because of its excessively high price. Other religious works include Crucifixion, which is on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and The Sacrament of the Last Supper that hangs in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.Dalí produced the second of his autobiographical works, entitled, Diary of a Genius, in 1964. However, towards the end of his life, Dalí became a recluse. He died in 1989. Two museums are dedicated to his work. The Teatre-Museu Dalí, was established in Figueras, Spain, in 1974, and the Salvador Dalí Museum, in St Petersburg, Florida, was established in 1982.
Throughout his life, Dalí was a painter, draughtsman, printmaker, designer, sculptor, film-maker, and writer. He was also one of the leading figures in Surrealism. However, it was none of these, but it was actually his enormous talent for self-publicity that made him an international celebrity.

5. Picture calls "The persistence of me".
6.I like this picture, because it makes me think. IIt looks very strange, but if you just look at it for 10 minutes, you will understand what is it. In my opinion it is about dreams and time. When you are sleeping and watching dreams, you don't feel the time.

Monday 21 July 2008

Second weekend

On Saturday we were in Museum of Madam Tussaud. I liked it very much, but I thought it was bigger. I took a lot of pictures with different wax statues. I was amazing.

Also on Saturday we were on Oxford Street. I bought nothing because we had only hour and half!!! We need 6 hours!!

In the evening we had disco. It was not very fun, I don't know why...

Thursday 17 July 2008

Second excursion to London

Yeasterday we were in London again. It took about 1 hour by bus, I was reading during the trip, so it wasn't boring. In London we met our tour guide. She looks like a crazy witch and told us about Great Fire of London in 1666 and Great Plague in 1665. It wasn' t very interesting... And then we were on an old ship, which took part in Second World war. It was boring because I didn't understand anything about the ship. But the weather was wonderfull , I liked it very much.

I think our first excursion was more interesting and less boring.

Monday 14 July 2008

First weekend in Queenswood

I liked this weekend, but I didn't relex at all. All time we had to to something.

On Friday I had lessons and in the evening instead of activites we had an assembly. It was not really amazing, but it was really interesting to watch drama class work. It was very funny, they played Romeo and Juliet who were eaten by zombies. )))

On Saturday we were in Cambridge. I liked this town very much , it has a lot of churches and beautiful houses. We were there to shop. In fact I don't like buying clothers and spend a lot of time in clothers stores but I really like book shops. I found one and spent a long period of time there . I bought a book, I was looking for in my own town and I bought some DVDs in English. ))

Also on Saturday we had a disco. I can't say that it was the best disco in my life but I liked it. This photo was taken before the disco )))

And on Sunday we were in Thorpe park. I liked very much but I think it was really expensive. My friends and I were on different riders and roller coasters. It was amazing. We had a lot of fun. It was exiting.