Thursday 31 July 2008

Yesterday we visited the British museum. It was amazing. One of things I really liked was The Samurai armour and helmet. I' m interested in Japanese culture, because I live near this country. This armour is collection of different things made between 1500 and 1800. The metal plates are tied with silk. It protects from arrows. In 1500s people from Portugal brought guns to Japan and Japanese had to add bullet-proof breastplates. Masks on helmets instill fear.

I think Japan isn't usual country. They lived on their island alone. It was closed for long time for any foreigners. Japanese don't think that death is the end of life, they think about it as about part of life, another step. Samurai had only one the most important thing in his life- his sword. If he lose it, he will commit suicide.
So for me it was very interesting and useful to visit Japanese room in British museum. )))

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